Shoot the Hooch with InterVarsity

Saturday, june 16, 2018

As InterVarsity celebrates 75 years of equipping students on campus and beyond, we are excited to host our annual benefit event, Shoot the Hooch with InterVarsity, on Saturday, June 16th. The vision of InterVarsity is to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed. We believe the most impactful Christian witness we can have is to the future world leaders who are now students on our college campuses.


Throughout the year GA/AL InterVarsity provides opportunities for student leaders to attend conferences and trainings where they learn new skills, participate in leadership development programs, and focus on spiritual formation. For many students, these opportunities are life-changing and help them to navigate decisions about their futures.

All proceeds from Shoot the Hooch with InterVarsity will benefit The GA/AL Student Conference Scholarship Fund and go directly to students to cover the costs of a variety of conferences and trainings.

WHAT IS Shoot the Hooch?

It's the perfect start to summer! Raft down the Chattachoochee River on your choice of watercraft and experience what Atlanta natives describe as a rite of passage for anyone living in the city. Bring your family, colleagues, or invite fellow InterVarsity alumni for a chapter reunion. The NOC provides a variety of watercraft options to choose from (details below) and children 5 years+ are welcome to participate. We will meet at the Paces Mill Recreation Area at 10:00am, shuttle to the put-in spot and plan to be on the water by 11:30am with an estimated 90 minute rafting time.

your donation

Raft  - $45 per person to attend

*All donations go directly to student conference scholarships*